March 2009 Archives

jonah 3rd birthday

Jonah and trains

It seems like only yesterday, our wee bairn was born. And now, lo and behold, it’s 3 years later and he’s turning into quite the little boy. We celebrated by heading down to San Diego for a trip to SeaWorld and the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. Much fun was had and many gaskets were blown. JBM set a land speed record for running from one train to another we think. Needless to say, we are so proud.

Then it was back home for our annual doctor’s visit. Update your scorecards, as JBM now weighs in at 38 pounds and heights in at 38 inches. He’s a perfect square, which makes no sense for someone born on 3.14.

Thanks to everyone who sent cards and presents. We are overwhelmed with your kindness.

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