18 Months!!
My oh my, what a long strange trip it's been...and we aren't even done with the first 2% yet. The Boy turned 18 months old today. You may be asking yourself, "How do those hipster Los Angelenos celebrate their child's 18 month birthday?" No, it's not beer volcanoes and strippers. For us, it's all about trips to the doctor and immunizations. Fun fun fun for the whole family.
So, the boy got poked, prodded and measured today. Turns out he's not the same size and weight as a large safe. He's 32 inches tall and weighs 28.4 pounds. Who knew?
After that, he got a visit from his Grandma Susan and Great Aunt Helene (not at the doctors, at home silly). Nice treat as the Boy loves the ladies. From there it was a trip to the beach and a stroll along the Santa Monica Pier. then it was off to bed. Despite the caterwauling during the immunizations, it was a great day.
Happy 18 month birthday Jonah!
Nice new chapeau, Nonah!! I see you are following your your Uncle Justin's hair fashions, with the hair in the eyes look.. Happy the day on which you were born!
Awwwdorable! Lucy has some super-cute photos from last weekend. I'll pass them along as soon as I get them. She thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone, btw.