June 2006 Archives

We are getting reports from our East Coast correspondents that there's a new kid on the block: a cousin for little JBM. As an experienced and worldly 3 month old, Jonah would like to extend a hearty "welcome to the universe" to his new cousin Oliver Sobering. Initial newsfeeds indicate that the tyke offically entered the cutest baby in the world contest yesterday. Another big entrant too: 21.25 inches long and 8 pounds 11 ounces in weight ( What are all these women eating to grow such big babies?). Everybody is doing great and quite excited with each other.

Hopefully pictures to follow soon. And perhaps a blog for wee Oliver?

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Today marked the first Father's Day for the dear old male parental unit of Jonah. The wee one celebrated this momentous occasion by coughing up some dough for a pie baking class at a local cooking school. The jury is still out on whether or not this was entirely self-serving on Jonah's part. He does seem to like pie so we are ready for "GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!" Dad also got a delicious waffle breakfast as well as a cooking apron (for aforementioned pie class). Finally, the tot also kindly refrained from defecating any time he was held by his Dad, which is the best gift he could have given to his Dad (sorry Mom). Good times are here indeed!

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the cuteness

Jonah went on his first trip to a museum today. Got a chance to see the looted Klimts that are currently on display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. He didn't seem too impressed as he fell asleep as soon as we walked in the door. I guess his art tastes don't run towards early century Vienesse artists. Perhaps Der Blaue Reiters?

Besides museum visits, the latest proclivities of Jonah include jamming both hands into his mouth and trying to suck the fingernails off, drooling all over the front of whatever article of clothing he is wearing and squirming away from whatever is constraining him (e.g. Mom, Dad, car seat, straight jacket, etc). The kid is a natural contortionist let me tell you. He can almost touch the back of his head to his butt. Must have been all the in utero yoga.

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