Ubuntu Fun and Excitement

ubuntu logo The latest version of everyone’s favorite Linux distribution Ubuntu is out. It’s very, very nice. Lots of new eye-candy. I’m all about eye-candy as of late because I’m tired of fighting with computers. They always seem to win.

If you decide to give it a whirl and run into trouble, the Ubuntu Forums are a great starting point. If you just want general tips, tricks and tutorials, then you can’t go wrong with Ubuntu Tutorials. It’s updated often with a variety of things to do on Ubuntu from the simple to the complex.



On the off chance that you utilized the wubi installer to introduce Ubuntu and need to evacuate Ubuntu you can utilize the windows add expel utility to evacuate Ubuntu. In the event that you need to evacuate windows you should reinstall Ubuntu on the windows parcel. Write Me An Assignment - Assignment Clock. Under wubi Ubuntu is introduced in windows. Ubuntu has made a little parcel for itself on the windows segment and you can't expel only windows without additionally expelling your Ubuntu introduce.

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